My first Bullet Journal

And so the crafting continues. As many of you will know one of the 8 resolutions I made for myself at the beginning of the year is to craft; to make something each month that I haven't tried before (and isn't a recipe). In March this was Bullet journalling.

I have loved the idea of bullet journaling for a long time, not just as someone who is a real lover of stationary but as someone in serious need of some help getting organised. For this, bullet journaling is perfect. 

After watching a lot of videos including Hello October's 2018 bullet journal set up and Lily Pebbles, my youtuber style bullet journal. I decided to go for a simple dotted notepad and keep it simple, focusing on getting organised in three areas; forward planning, blog organisation and fitness. This meant a couple of 'spreads' were out for me and a few were essential. One of which is the picture below; a monthly overview of the content I put up on my blog and a way of tracking what I have done; pictures, text, social media, published. 

I am not a particuarly arty person as I am sure you can tell from the few doodles in my pages. I love to watch planning videos and Amanda Rach Lee's ones are my favourite. I am under no illusion that I will ever be able to draw like her but the themes are a fun way to get inspired and to separate out the months. 

For my personal life, I love the monthly spread, as you can see I have done this in two ways so far and for April I am preferring the double page so that I can spread these out a bit more. I also have my yearly spread (below) this helps me to see what is going on each month, the things to plan for and things to save for. I really liked filling this out and although the dates on the left took a while I love the way it looks now.

Everyone's bullet journal is different and you can set it out in so many different ways. For me the contents page is going to help a lot; helping me to focus what I am doing but also be able to put in 'brain dump' pages and be able to find them throughout the notebook.

You can spend a lot of money on bullet journals, both on the notebook itself and the pens and accessories. For now, I am sticking to my simple pink dotted notebook and these gorgeous Stabilo pastel highlighters but who knows what I will add later on. 

Would you like to see more of my bullet journal as we go through the year? Let me know in the comments 

1 comment

  1. I love this post so much. I also like to bullet journal myself and I also love AmandaRachLee's videos. I like the way you did your monthly calendar layout, I normally use the traditional vertical bullet journal layout but I might try yours sometime.


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